AP Calculus AB&BC training, AP微积分辅导;AP数学家教
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AP是Advanced Placement的缩写,中文一般翻译为美国大学先修课程、美国大学预修课程。指由美国大学理事会(The College Board)提供的在高中授课的大学课程。美国高中生可以选修这些课程,在完成课业后参加AP考试,得到一定的成绩后可以获得大学学分。一般修一门大学的课程要花费数千美元,而参加AP考试只需要82美金,因此选修AP课程不仅可以展现学生的能力,它还是一种省钱的措施。 对于中国想出国留学的学生优点就更突出了。考试通过的AP课程可以折抵大学学分,减免大学课程,帮助学生缩短大学学时、跳级,更可节省高昂大学学费。更重要的是,据统计,拥有优异AP考试成绩的高中生在未来的大学学习有更佳出色的表现和发展,美国各大学已将AP成绩看作衡量学生学习和研究能力以及应付高难度大学课程能力的重要指标。参加AP考试科目多、考分高的学生被美国名校另眼相看。英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国也将此作为发放奖学金的主要条件之一。
AP 考试的成绩使用5分制,考生可以获得1,2,3,4或者5分。一般三分或三分以上的成绩可以在大学换取学分,但也有很多特殊的例子,某些大学可能只接受4分或者5分。目前,已有40多个国家的近3600所大学承认AP学分为其入学参考标准和该项考试为考生增添的大学学分,其中包括哈佛、耶鲁、牛津、剑桥等世界名牌大学。
AP Calculus AB&BC,考试内容是微积分,包括:极限,函数连续性,导数和微分及其应用,最值和极值,积分和定积分,无穷级数。面广但难度不大,是高等数学的基本知识。有高中数学中函数和数列的基础,略下点功夫,把概念和公式定理掌握一下,把每章节后的习题做会,过关是没问题的。
AP(Advanced Placement) Calculus trainning,cracking the APcalculus AB&BC exams
The AP exam comes in two parts. First, there is a section of multiplechoice questions covering a variety of calculus topeics . This part is given in two parts:part A 28 questions, part B 17 questions. Second, there's a section of six questions, each of which requires you to write out the solubions and the steps by which you solved it .
AP calculus is divided into two types:AB and BC. The former is supposed to be the equivalent of semester of college calculus; the latter, a year. In truth, AB calculus covers closer to three quarters of a year ofcollege calculus. In fact, the main difference between the two is that BC calculus tests some more theoretical aspects of calculus and it covers a few additional topics. In addition, BC calculus is harder than AB calculus.
what is on the AP exam? Analysis of graphs, Limits, Asymptotes, Continuity, Parametric, Polar, and Vector Functions; The definition of the derivative, Derivative at a point, Derivative of a function, Second derivative, Applications of derivatives, Riemann Sums, Applications of integrals, Fundamental theorem of calculus, Techniques of antidifferentiation, Applications of antidifferentiation, the concept of a series, Series of concepts, Taylor series
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